Helping Schools Manage Cleaning
When school management decides to employ their cleaners directly, they often worry that they do not have the skills to train their new staff to clean their school effectively & safely.
One Stop Cleaning Shop takes that worry away by ensuring that all staff & are fully trained in using all cleaning chemicals & equipment. This training is provided free of charge.
- Full training is always given on how to use the correct equipment and products for various cleaning applications – so any issues are ‘cleaned up’ before they happen! All training is carried out at the school so that we can advise how to clean the type of dirt on the actual surfaces that the school has.
- Our fully trained staff help to mobilise your team and give them the confidence they need to get started.
- The ongoing support we give is second-to-none with any further training requirements to ensure all staff are competent using their products.
At Air Balloon Hill Primary School in Bristol, we mobilised 9 cleaners, as they took the cleaning ‘In house’. We trained the team on how & where to use every chemical & how to dilute them correctly. Ou team also covered the importance of wearing the correct Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
We also ensured each cleaner was competent at using the new flat mopping systems and the new scrubber dryers.
A few months later, we went back to the site and repeated the training as the school had employed some new cleaners.
Feedback so far from the Site Manager, Business Manager and the Cleaning Team has been really positive about their new products and overall cleanliness has improved.
The below infographic shows the process we follow every time we take on a new school. All of this is supplied free of charge to give our customers the confidence to clean their premises themselves.
Do you have any feedback on our customer care?
We’d love to know!
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