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Summer Cleaning Tips

Cleaning Hacks 23-Jul-24 | By Steve

Summer Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Home Sparkling

Spring cleaning might get all the attention, but summer is just as important for maintaining a tidy home. With the heat, humidity, and rain, summer can bring its own set of challenges that make cleaning essential. Here are some tips to help keep your home fresh and clean during the warmer months.

summer cleaning tips

Keep Odours at Bay

Rubbish can become especially pungent during the hot summer months due to increased bacterial growth from the heat and humidity. To combat this, sprinkle some baking soda at the bottom of your rubbish bin. Baking soda absorbs bad odours, keeping your home smelling fresh and inviting.

Dust More Frequently

Summer’s natural sunlight can highlight dust in your home, which can trigger allergies for some people. To avoid this, make a habit of dusting more regularly during the summer. Keeping your home dust-free will enhance your comfort and improve air quality.

Prevent Mildew and Mold Growth

Humid summer weather can accelerate the growth of mold and mildew, particularly in already damp areas like a laundry room. A simple way to combat this is to leave your washing machine door ajar when not in use, allowing it to dry out completely and reducing the chance of mold and mildew taking hold.

Make Your Home Visitor-Ready

Summer often brings more visitors, whether they’re children, relatives, or friends. Ensure your home is always presentable by focusing on key areas that might need extra attention, such as the entrance hall, living room, bathrooms and kitchen.

Use Essential Oils for a Fresh Scent

When you have company over, you want your home to smell pleasant without the overpowering scent of strong air fresheners. Instead, opt for non-toxic essential oils. Lavender essential oil offers a relaxing aroma, while lemongrass provides a pure, fresh scent. Choose the scent that best fits your home’s ambiance.

Remove Water Rings from Furniture

Water rings can be a common issue when guests forget to use coasters. Don’t panic if you see one. Simply place a cotton towel or an old t-shirt over the ring, then use an iron (with the water emptied out) to apply heat for a few seconds. Repeat this process as needed, and the ring will eventually disappear, even the stubborn ones.

Clean the Microwave

Microwaves can quickly become smelly with frequent summer use. To keep yours fresh, cut a lemon in half and place both halves in a bowl of water. Microwave the bowl for about five minutes. The lemon scent will help neutralize odors, and the steam will loosen any grease for easier cleaning. Dispose of the lemon afterwards, and your microwave will be good as new.

By following these tips, you can ensure your home remains clean, fresh, and welcoming all summer long.

If you need some help with which products to use in which areas, contact us and we’ll point you in the right direction…


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