Places People Forget To Clean…
Ready to level up your cleaning game? Here’s a list of sneaky spots you might be missing in your home that deserve a little extra TLC. These aren’t necessarily your usual daily chores, but they’re perfect for adding to your monthly cleaning calendar. Get ready to conquer those forgotten areas like a cleaning ninja!
Living Room
The living room is the place where we relax, unwind, watch television, and snack which can lead to crumbs getting between the cushions and under furniture. Here are some places you may be missing in the living room.
TV Remote Controls – the best way to clean these is to dip a microfibre cloth in rubbing alcohol (surgical spirit) and wipe over the entire remote. You can also grab a toothpick to get into any small crevices.
Behind and under furniture – A cordless vacuum cleaner is so easy to manoeuvre around furniture because it’s so lightweight and has such great suction and lays flat to get right under sofas.
Cushion covers – Try and pop these in the wash at least once a month.
Lampshades – use a lint roller to remove any dust, and dust the light bulb using a recycled make up/paint brush.
Throws – Over the winter months when you are getting cosy watching TV try and pop these in the wash every other week.

The kitchen is the hub of the home. It’s where we seem to spend the most time in, gathering, talking, and eating. It is also a huge clutter zone.
Kitchen utensil drawers – the home of crumbs!
Splash back – always dirtier than you think at first sight.
Inside & under cupboards – you will be surprised at how sticky these can get.
Oven racks – you can leave these to soak in warm soapy water with a splash of white vinegar over night.
Extractor fan covers – they love to attract those stains.
Extractor fan hoods – if stainless steel after cleaning buff up with a tiny drop of baby oil.
Around and under the fridge – use a flat headed duster.
Fridge shelves – most can be removed so just soak in warm soapy water.
Kitchen table and chair legs – we often do the tops but how often do we turn over our chairs and do the legs and the same for the table legs.
Microwave – to clean the inside off the microwave, fill a bowl with a ½ cup of vinegar and a ½ cup of water and place it into the microwave on high for 5 minutes you can also use an angry mama. Then just wipe away the loosened grease and grim.

The bedroom is often just used for sleeping and dressing so shouldn’t get too dirty, but it can get very cluttered. Take a minute to look in your wardrobes, go through your clothes and take out what you are no longer wearing. Check under the bed and add these tasks to your cleaning calendar.
Mattress – often over looked but ensure you use a thick good quality mattress protector.
Pillows – again ensure you are using good quality pillow protectors and to refresh them either pop in the tumble dryer for 10 mins on a high heat to kill germs and refresh, spot clean or steam clean them, some can also be cleaned in the washing machine.
Under the bed – pull out if you can as dust really does build up under the bed, if it is too heavy use a cordless vacuum as they usually go nice and flat.
Bedroom Drawers – empty and clean out.

So, you are probably cleaning all the obvious spots in the bathroom such as the sinks, mirrors, toilet, and bath and shower. But, there may be some spots that you have completely forgotten about. The worst places in your bathroom are the flush button and light switch/cord.
Light pull cord – can often be discoloured where hands touch you can brighten this up using white toothpaste.
Shower Curtains – must of these can be washed in the washing machine, if they have any mould patches treat with white vinegar.
Shower Door – if built up with soap scum and limescale treat using half a lemon dipped in bicarbonate of soda.
Shower Drain – treat weekly by simply adding down a big scoop of bicarb, if blocked use a ‘drain weasel’ plug brush.
Shower head– if you have build-up on your shower head the best way to clean it is to fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and place it over the shower head. Make sure the shower head is immersed and secure with a rubber band and let it soak for a few hours or overnight if it’s really bad. If a bag won’t fix use a tea towel drenched in white vinegar.
Bathroom bin – this should be emptied frequently!
Under and around the Sink base – toothpaste finger marks and makeup marks like to linger here.
Behind the toilet – dust can really build up here and it is hard to reach so blast with a steamer.
Toilet brush – remember that silicone ones are the most hygienic.
Medicine cabinet – the medicine cabinet can not only get cluttered with stuff but it can get really dusty and dirty. The best thing to do is to pull everything out and declutter. Throw out anything out that has expired and then wipe out the inside before replacing the items.
If you still need some help with your cleaning routine, contact us today to talk with one of our reps and find the best products for your home.
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