As part of our commitment to becoming a greener business, we have introduced a new points scheme for customers on our website.
You will now collect ECO PONTS with every £1 you spend with us.
These points will be used to help to plant trees with Tree-Nation – a non-profit organisation that allows citizens and companies to plant trees all around the world and offest their CO2 emissions.
“A single tree can offset up to 250kg of CO2 during its lifespan”
A little about Tree-Nation:
“Our mission is to reforest the world. Planting trees has been proven to be one of the most efficient solutions to fight Climate Change.
Thanks to our reforestation and conservation projects we help to restore forests, create jobs, support local communities and protect biodiversity.
Through the Tree-Nation platform we aim to bring a technological solution to the problem of Deforestation, responsible for about 17% of all Climate Change emissions.
We want to use technology to make tree planting easy and provide support, advice and solutions to citizens and companies to help them transition towards a sustainable future.
With 85% of all terrestrial species living in tropical forests, whose existences are intrinsically bound to the forests, their habitat, we care to restore and preserve the biodiversity to help avoid a mass extinction.”
“Trees are at least 100 times cheaper than the next best solution to store carbon. Plus they bring many environmental and social benefits beyond carbon”
Tree-Nation key facts & figures:
● Founded by Maxime Renaudin in 2006
● Based in Barcelona and operating worldwide
● 210.526 members and 4.464 companies have planted trees using the Tree-Nation platform
● 7.4 million trees planted since 2006
● 30 active reforestation projects in 18 countries on 6 different continents, the platform with the largest number of tree planting projects around the world
● Over 300 different tree species available for planting
● Own methodology to calculate the value of the CO2 being offset by each tree
● Trees can be purchased to offset an individual’s carbon footprint or can be given away as a gift
● Companies can create their branded forest as part of a marketing and sustainability initiative
● Every tree planted on Tree-Nation is assigned its own unique URL so it can be tracked as it grows
● Mission: to reforest the planet in order to fight climate change and help local economies
● Goal for 2021: to plant 5 million more trees by the end of the year

Find out more about Tree-Nation here
Join us on a journey to a cleaner, greener world.