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Archives for Nikki Watt
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The area around urinals is very smelly
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiBad smells around urinals is almost always caused by uric acid (which is part of urine) and bodily fluids. Follow...
My shower screen/door is covered in product and fat
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiIf your shower screen or door is covered in old products, such as shampoo and conditioner, or body fat then...
Mould and mildew around tiles
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiIf you have mould and mildew on your bathroom tiles, follow these steps to overcome it: 1. Get a...
My taps are covered in limescale
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiIf there is a large amount of scale build up around the faucet and the base of the tap, follow...
There is scale build up on my toilet
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiIf there is a lot of scale build up around the rim of your toilet, and around the water line,...
How do I remove red wine stains?
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiIf you are lucky enough to enjoy a glass of red wine of an evening, don’t let a spillage ruin...
How Can I Clean High External Windows Without Using a Ladder?
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiHow Can I Clean Windows Without a Ladder? If using a ladder is not safe, practical or just too scary,...
I Need a Machine for a Large Area of Safety Floor
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiWhat is Safety Flooring? Businesses often use safety flooring to reduce the chance of customers or staff slipping. The most...
I Need a Mop for a Large Area of Safety Floor
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiWhat is Safety Flooring? Safety flooring is designed to reduce people’s chance of slipping, particularly when floors are wet. The...
I Need a Machine for a Small Area of Safety Floor
12-Nov-19 | By NikkiWhat is Safety Flooring? Many businesses use safety flooring to reduce the chance of customers or staff slipping. The most...